Your New Puppy

Bringing your new dog home

Preparation and patience are key to building a happy relationship.

The key to helping your new dog make a successful adjustment to your home is being prepared and being patient. It can take anywhere from two days to two months for you and your pet to adjust to each other. The following tips can help ensure a smooth transition.

Which Shots Do Puppies Need?

Going to the vet repeatedly over several months for vaccinations, and then for boosters or titers throughout your dog’s life, may seem like an inconvenience, but the diseases that vaccinations will shield our pets from are dangerous, potentially deadly, and, thankfully, mostly preventable.

We read about so many different vaccinations, for so many different illnesses, that it can sometimes be confusing to know which vaccinations puppies need and which ones are important but optional. Here is an overview of the diseases that vaccinations will help your pet to avoid.


Puppy Vaccination Schedule

The first thing to know is that there is not just one puppy vaccination schedule for all dogs. Factors such as when and which vaccinations your breeder/adoption agency has given as well as your dog’s individual risk factors will come into play. Some dogs do not need every vaccine. This decision is between you and your veterinarian. Always discuss puppy vaccinations at your regularly scheduled appointments. That said, here is a generally accepted guideline of the puppy vaccination schedule for the first year.

Puppy’s AgeRecommended VaccinationsOptional Vaccinations
8 weeksDistemper, parainfluenzaBordetella
12 weeksDHPP (vaccines for distemper, adenovirus [hepatitis], parainfluenza, and parvovirus)Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease
16 weeksRabiesnone
16 weeksDHPPCoronavirus, Lyme disease, Leptospirosis
12 - 16 monthsRabies, DHPPCoronavirus, Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Lyme disease
8 weeksFecal Sample – Recommend testing at the same time as FIRST vaccination. If positive for worms or parasites, recheck in one month.none
Every 1 - 3 yearsRabies (as required by law)none

Please note: The following vaccines are required for any hospitalization or boarding here at our facility: Distemper/Rabies/Bordetella.

Pet Hazards

What to do if you think your pet is poisoned

Don't wait! We recommend the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline at (888) 426-4435. This site is staffed by veterinary toxicology specialists. They charge a fee, but that call may save a trip to the emergency room.

Be ready to provide your pet's breed, age, weight, and describe any symptoms you observe. If possible, tell us what you think they ingested or were exposed to, and have packaging available if possible. If you call the hotline, be sure to get a case number for vets to reference if there are special instructions.

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